Frequently Asked questions


  • When an initial appointment has been scheduled you will receive an email with a link to your client portal where you will be prompted to complete required consents and intake information prior to your initial appointment.

    The initial appointment will mostly consist of gaining a better understanding of you and of what you would like to work on. We will then together come up with goals and a plan for treatment.

  • Following the initial appointment, sessions generally occur weekly at the same time each week for 55 minutes. The overall length of therapy can vary widely.

    EMDR sessions generally meet one to two times per week and are generally 60-90 minutes in length. The number of sessions required vary depending on the complexity of the trauma history.

  • Telehealth sessions occur over a secure video format. You will receive an email confirmation of your telehealth appointment with a unique video appointment link. You will then just click the link through your email to join the virtual appointment.

  • Art therapy can be incorporated into your therapy session and involves creation of art within the session. There is no requirement of art experience. The focus is on the process and insights revealed from creating art rather than what the art looks like.