

It can be exhausting both emotionally and physically to constantly be worried whether it be socially, performance related, or focusing on the worst possible scenarios. To some extent it is helpful to be prepared for whatever comes your way, but there needs to be a balance otherwise you aren’t able to be present in the moment or relax. Therapy can help to decrease anxiety and build confidence in yourself.


Trauma can have a profound effect on our emotional and behavioral wellness and often leaves people feeling stuck in endless negative cycles. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective therapy often used to process through past traumas. I am a certified EMDR therapist and can provide this service for clients that are ready to work through past traumas.

Betrayal Trauma

Finding out about a betrayal, such as infidelity of a partner, can be devastating. When there is betrayal from someone you thought that you could trust, your life can feel like it has been flipped upside down. You might notice symptoms similar to PTSD including hypervigilance, intrusive thoughts or images, avoidance of reminders, difficulty with concentration, difficulty with sleep, loss of interest, dysregulation, and physical symptoms. Therapy can help to reduce these symptoms and work to build better confidence, self worth, and boundaries moving forward.

Highly Sensitive Person

As a highly sensitive person you probably feel your emotions deeply. You may be more sensitive to different sensations such sounds, scents, or temperature. You may have been told by many people that you are too sensitive and given the message that there is something wrong with you. Therapy can help you to let go of those negative messages that you have internalized and develop a better understanding and acceptance of yourself.

Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever worked so hard to get somewhere only to have a feeling that you are an imposter or fraud when you get there? Many successful people have a deep feeling as though they don’t deserve their achievements despite evidence otherwise. Therapy can help you to let go of those self doubts and help you to own your confidence.


The idea of perfection seems great. The problem is there is no such thing as perfection. There is a constant pressure to always be successful, to give 110%. Perfectionism can take over your life. People who struggle with perfectionism are often hard on themselves and never really get to enjoy all of their hard work. With so much focus on keeping up appearances, or always achieving more, people end up missing out on being present in their lives. The goal isn’t to stop achieving, the goal is to feel comfortable with yourself every step along your journey, not just at a finish line that never comes. Therapy can help you to develop a healthier view and acceptance of yourself as the wonderful human you are, not just your achievements.